Never had a problem I see a lot of negative reviews in regards to Baffulo Logistics. I've never had any issue with them, I think it depends on the company you order from. I just thought I'd express my satisfaction with Baffulo. Thanks guys. Friends deliveries guys too!
I have been waiting two and a half months, still nothing.
My order is stuck in bupay Tax.
Also my parcel it has stucked at tax paid since 07 Feb
SUPER SUPER BAD SERVICE Parcel must have been delivered on the 7th Still nothing not even send from Buffalo warehouse yet
Their service suck big time.
Am I the only one whose parcel stuck on Tax paid since 7 February? I ordered 0n 4th feb
Best service so far
We are all so quick to jump and say how bad the service is because they don't deliver quick enough and I know because I was one of them in December and I do agree with most of you that the contact with them and getting ahold of them could be better but I'm here today to say EXCELLENT service!! The estimated date was 24-27 Feb and I received by things today on the 13th of Feb. Thank you so much for you service guys and I hope we can all learn some patience you don't have an easy job and don't get appreciated for what you do.
What a great and smooth sailing experience I had! Received my order today, a whole week earlier than their estimated delivery time!!!!